Hello Welcome Mat

Hey guys!!! I hope you haven't forgotten about me. 

Today is October 14th.

Due to the typhoon, it was heavy rain this two days.

My umbrella was broken and my shoes got wet yesterday! That's terrible!


BTW, Let me share what happened to me during August and September with you guys!

"33's diary" is back!

Hope you'll enjoy this post.

 OK...Let's get started!!!




I spent a day chilling with my sisters on August 5th.

That was a wonderful day. I really cherished the time with them!

Thanks for always taking care of me and backing me up!

It's so nice to have you guys as my sisters!




And the next week, I went to Taichung for a one-day trip.

That was a sudden decision, but I really liked it.

"Sometimes, you don't need a plan. You need an action!"

I met my friends, Apple and Syliva and we went to the rainbow village.

Despite the sun was too big too open our eyes, we still enjoyed the holiday!


The rainbow village was so colorful!


Besides, I went to the Fengjia night market with my high school friends at night.

Couldn't describe how crowded there was!




Moreover, August was my birthday month.

I got lots of surprises and gifts which really made me impressed.

Thanks for all the wishes from my family and friends! 

I did had a great 23th birthday! XOXO.


Finally met up my lovely friends at the end of August.

A great day out with you guys, lots of fun!

(Betty, Mandy, Lia, Ruru and Vivian)





The most important thing in September was Jay Chou's "The Invincible" concert!

I've been looking forward to the concert for about one year since I knew that Jay started the world tour in 2016.

Luckily, I got the ticket from my friend, Apple who helped me buy it!


The special guest was Jam Hsiao!!! He was so cute.

I really loved the song they sang together and the balloons with Jay's signature suddenly fell down from the ceiling. 

The concert was sensational and AMAZING!!!! I couldn't tell how much I loved it!


To sum up, Jay Chou is THE BEST and THE INVINCIBLE !!!!

He'll always be my favorite Taiwanese singer!




At the end of September, I got my ears pierced finally.

The process of getting ears pierced was very quick. It wasn't too much painful.

And all I had to do was taking good care of my ears!

Futhermore, I bought a snoopy agenda for 2018.


Things seemed to go smoothly in August and September.

Just Look forward to October.

Fall has always been my favorite season.


Snoopy knows how to do Halloween right. Description from pinterest.com. I searched for this on bing.com/images







Hope you guys have a great time! Enjoy your weekend!

I'm 33(Shan).

See you next time.


Don't forget to follow my social media. (Facebook fanspage and Instagram) 

See you guys next time and go see my other posts down here!!

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購物|美國Sephora戰利品開箱:Tartelette in bloom 眼影盤試色 + KAT VON D 霧面液態唇膏 #Lolita2 #Doubledare 比較


教學|最夯韓國"Gmarket"購物網站 #使用教學 讓你簡單又快速買到便宜的韓貨!

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